About Claire

Hi all,

So at 40+ I didn’t think I’d ever hear the words breast cancer directed at me – I have no family history of breast cancer, eat healthily, drink very little and I do not smoke – but there you go – I did.

It’s all good and well wailing and screaming profanities to anyone who’ll listen, but what’s the point?  If I’ve learnt anything in this life it’s that life has a funny way of kicking us up the arse and giving us a wake-up call.  I must say, this is a particularly horrid ‘life-lesson’, but I surprised myself, I am actually a FIGHTER, go figure…

I must say, it wasn’t the best day for me when the doctor led Stephen and I into the ‘Quiet Room’ at Tameside hospital, but if I’m being completely honesty, I knew that I had cancer much earlier, about an hour earlier when I was having my ultra-sound.  The women ahead of me were all in and out of the examination room, whereas I was in there for over 30mins.

I found the lump by accident whilst having a shower, I can’t be the only woman out there that never really gave cancer the attention it craves.  I hardly examine myself, other than to clean myself.   There appears to be no conclusion recommendation on how often we should examine our breasts due to there being no conclusive scientific proof whether daily, monthly or bi-monthly is the way to go.  How often do you do examine your breasts?  are you like me, and only really give it more thought when you find out someone you know has breast cancer?

I’m writing this blog, because I want to document everything that happens, my thoughts and impressions and more crucially my way of venting through this shitty stage in my life.

Thanks for reading friends, if you think of anything you want to know, let me know and I’ll certainly try and find out the answer.

Much love,
Claire x


2 thoughts on “About Claire

  1. Nga

    We chatted and shared pictures of our kids but we have never met and it was five years ago, so you might not figure out who I am :). I got your blog from Stephen and reading your thread of writings just now provokes my memories. So let me trip in with some sharing below… to make you busy reading and thinking because it may be something you never heard of before… 🙂
    When I was small, I used to think medication was not an easy way to get rid of diseases. I didn’t know why I always had a feeling that our body has the ability to self-heal and we should be able to recover after patiently enduring illnesses…
    Not until four years ago, I came across the book ‘Hand of Light’ by a NASA Physics Doctor and came to enlighten that there indeed exist other more effective ways to cure diseases – the use of energy in the cosmos!
    I went on finding other books of similar topic and ended up with the book of ‘Zhuan Falun’ which changed my whole view of life, of a life being, and why life makes fun of our efforts to go for the better by giving us diseases and hardships all of a sudden. I came to understand that healing the malfunctions of our body parts shouldn’t be like fighting arrogantly with the malicious cells until they all gone. It’s more about how to get rid of it in peace – with a peaceful heart and mind… It needs a strong will and positive attitude (which you already have); it requires changing our ways of thinking and handling things happening around us differently…. following the key principles of Truthfulness – Compassion – Forbearance coupled with meditation to refresh the body with energy from the cosmos.
    I got rid of my diseases and have witnessed co-practitioners recovery from serious health problems, some were hopeless, only after a few months practicing. I’d want to recommend you to go for a read of the book as well. Let me know if you want me to share the URL for the book as I shouldn’t put an external link on your blog without permission.
    Keep your big smile!
    Best wishes


    1. clairefarnsworth Post author

      Hi Nga, of course I remember you, and your message is certainly ‘food for thought’. I do think of myself as a ‘deep’ person, a person who is really in touch with her body and mind. Your URL would be welcome and I would, I’m sure enjoy reading further. Unfortunately, although I do believe in meditation being a positive impact on me (as this has been offered to me), I also have to think outside of myself, and of my family. It is imperative that I get better for my daughter, and showing her a strong, positive role model with this illness can only show her that not all illnesses kill. Although I do have an aggressive cancer, I also have an aggressive will, so I have absolutely no intention of allowing this disease to beat me!! I have way too much to live for (aside from the fact that I actually also want to live a long and healthy life!! ), my husband, my daughter and my family are my strength and motivators too. Thanks Nga, if you send the URL to Stephen, he will forward to me. Much love to you and your family and thank you for thinking of me 😄 Claire x



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